So earlier today/yesterday, I hinted on LushStories that I'd be posting a new story soon, and I hope to get that submitted very soon. It feels good to write again, and that's the main reason why I haven't been blogging in the last few weeks. Whatever time I have or make for writing, I've been allocating toward my story(s). I hope when it's done that it will seem worth the wait, if only for me.
Valentine's Day, maybe my least favorite of the holidays, wasn't so bad this year. Actually, I have to admit to feeling like a total bitch, the way I spent all day sneering at the whole idea of Valentine's Day, the way I do every year, only to have my boyfriend take me out to eat and give me a wonderful gift. Turns out that he doesn't share my dislike of Valentine's Day, and really focused on giving me a nice night with him (who after all the big action is fast asleep like a hibernating bear). He even remembered how sad I was that I couldn't go to Jamaica with a friend of mine, so he took me to a Jamaican restaurant, and it was really good.
So I still maintain that Valentine's Day is commercial, and a big moneymaking scheme, and cheesy at best, but as long as I"m with a guy who takes it seriously at least to the point of wanting me to feel special, I can accept it (begrugdingly).
Ok, well, off to sleep soon for me, and hopefully continuing work toward finishing my story. Wish me luck. :)