Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Good News

So I hinted at something fairly ominous in my last post when I said I was going to have a big day, and it's time to clarify that.

I ended up getting really good news.  I got the results of my paternity test back, and my boyfriend- who wasn't my boyfriend at the time of conception, mind you- is the father of my baby.  I'm still pregnant, early on in fact, but I needed to know, and I owed it to the guy that loves me and promised he'd love me no matter what came of the paternity.

So now, a big unknown has been taken off the board, and I can  begin to make sense of where my life is (a baby on the way) and where it's going (what kind of life will I provide for my baby?).  Not that I have any of that figured out yet, but I'm now in a place where I can.

First things first, I'm headed to Jamaica with a family friend for a few days.  I'd planned on using this time to get my head right before facing a reality where my boyfriend is not the father of my child (I really thought this would be the case).  But now, I can just go and enjoy myself while I'm not yet big as a whale in a swimsuit.

I'll probably be posting a thing or two while I'm gone, and will have a virgin daquiri in all of your honor. :)

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