Friday, September 30, 2011

Lust at First Sight

I've been attracted to people right away before, it happens all the time.  With the majority of the people that I have had an attraction to, it was apparent in the first five minutes.  But this was different.

Have you ever laid eyes on somebody and immediately felt like you lost control of your senses, like this person's inner magnet scrambled all of your functions and left you in a blank state of lust?

It sort of felt like this:

Only, in Britney's case, she walked in, sat down, contemplated him, then finally walked to the door and had the brain-rush fantasy.  In my case, it happened instantaneously.

I can't really explain it.  He doesn't even have any of the traits that usually make me superficially lust after a guy: he's not black, or particularly muscular, or carry obvious swag.

But nevertheless, I was instantly weak.

I couldn't speak.  I wanted to feel my body up against his and feel his mouth on my pussy and his cock inside of it.  I wanted to be with him and be taken by sheer will and force.  I was soaking wet in no time.

When he spoke to me, I was a stuttering mess, which is very rare for me, and it was very embarrassing.

So, what does this mean?  Is it biological?  Is this a sign that our babies would be of optimal beauty and health?  As cheesy as it sounds, is it some sort of heavy-handed evidence of fate?

Maybe it's just a mystery.  I prefer that, actually.  I like mystery.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope you turn this entry into a story. The awkwardness, tension and anticipation would make for an excellent read.

  3. I feel this way almost every week... I don't know if it's fate, although that's a very interesting way to think about it. I do think it's biological though. It's like there are some people that will just be sexually compatible with us and our bodies know, driving us to them. Then if the brains connect to? Forget about it.

    -Yack Magico.
